Friday, March 13, 2015

13: The splinter and the plank...

On using your linguistic prowess for good in all cases, in all places...

While the sickly smaller little napped restlessly upstairs yesterday, I sat in the kitchen beside french doors.  The sun cascaded through, bathing my toes in warmth.  Perched on a chair at the table's end, my fingers pranced from key to key as email after email took shape. As new messages popped up, I peeked at content.  One conversation between a school secretary and her coworkers diverted my attention like a neon "They're hot!" sign flashing in front of a Krispy Kreme donut shop.

From: Sally
To: Staff
Subject: geral notice

To the diligent person who made all the laminated little colored signs/passes: The ones that say 'inquirer' are misspelled.  Sorry, my spelling gene sometimes overtakes my self-preservation one.

Two minutes later...

From: Sally
To: Staff
Subject: omg

"General!  GENERAL!"

So remember writers, when offering friends feedback today, be gracious by offering compliments and constructive by offering suggestions that will help your partner become a better writer.  None of us has it all figured out -- the more we write and the more we work together to look at our writing, the better we'll get.  Now off you go...

Write on,


  1. Too funny! Oh why can't I think of the clever way to turn a phrase like you do? The whole Krispy Kreme hot sign section was too perfect. I knew what was to follow would be great, and I wasn't disappointed.

  2. Funny! Good for Sally to have such humor about herself. (WW Erin)

  3. Ha! Ha! I have a favorite from my own son's 1st grade teacher. She had scrawled across his spelling paper "Be Neater! Messy!" and what she left behind in notes to him about his neatness was the biggest mess of crossed out words and rewrites in a not so neat scrawl across his paper reprimanding him for his messy work and hers was atrocious. I would have lost that paper in the trash if I was her. Happy Friday 13th! Love your title analogy of "splinter and plank" to the story that follows. Is analogy the correct term? Tired brain tonight. D :)

  4. I love this slice - how you used email correspondence. And of course that it was funny, too!

  5. This makes me think of another slice I could write - one where a missing hyphen turned a re-sent email into one that was resented. Ha! I love how reading posts helps us all to generate more ideas. We are all human and it is in our human-ness that our stories emerge. Thank you for the inspiration

  6. Too funny. This makes us pause and think about our words.


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