Friday, October 28, 2011

Trying Twitter...

I'll admit --- I like to be 'in the know' but I'm not so much of a techno-junkie.  It doesn't come easily for me.   Now, I can do what I need to do. {Well, plus some extra, like installing fonts and building Tagxedos and formatting documents in a hyper-particular fashion.}  But, I always seem to be a few products, models, or apps behind.  I want to learn though.

So, lately at conferences and in conversation with respected peers, Twitter taunted me.  In NCTE correspondence, #NCTE11 taunted me. On the Two Writing Teachers' blog last week, Ruth taunted me about taking on Twitter.  I felt surrounded by my fears, my passion, and my desire to grow.  It became a three-on-one situation. 

Try it.
{I'll like it.}

Try it.
{I'll like it.}

Try it.
{I'll like it.}

Inspired, I'm trying it.  Find me @livewriteteach.  If you have any easy-to-follow Twitter advice, I'd love to know more.  Right now, I'm wading my way through Franki Sibberson's article referenced by Ruth.

TweetDeck?  Twitterstream?  Seesmic?
{All in good time...}

Tweet on,


  1. I'm trying too-I'll look for you! Best wishes! It's a struggle so far.

  2. I'm heading over to add you as a "tweep." Can't wait!

    Along those lines, I just checked your session at NCTE. Unfortunately it's at the same time as the ALAN breakfast -- boo! Do you want to find another time to grab a cup of coffee & a quick chat?


  3. Thanks for being tweeps with me :). (Now that is a term I had not heard before --- am I using it correctly?)

    Yes, let's find another time to grab coffee and catch up. Since the Great Phone Debacles of '11, I don't have your number anymore. Can you email it and we can text to make arrangements?


  4. Hey Linda---I'll find you on Twitter now too. As Ruth says, we'll be tweeps :).

    Will you be at NCTE?



Hi! I'd love to hear what you are thinking right now, so please take a sec and drop me a line. I'm so glad you stopped by today -- thanks a billion. :)